Now, in case you’re wondering if my trip’s gonna be all about shopping for clothes, I’ll have you know that I am not that shallow. Really. I am also going to hunt for music records while in London, and, while in Paris, catch a few movies. Yeah, both cities have produced some of my all-time fave artistes and movies.

Music is really deep in the British soul and thanks in no small way to the 4 young but very talented lads who burst onto the charts in the ’60s. Paul, Ringo, John and George helped popularise rock ‘n’ roll and since then, there was no stopping the British Invasion. But I prefer British music that goes off the mainstream, producing new and raw sounds. Thus arose a new wave of music mania about a decade later when bands like the Sex Pistols and The Clash made punk music incredibly sexy, rebelling against the cookie-cutter music scene of 1975. Brit Pop was also given a huge boost in the ’80s all thanks to MTV. Not only could audiences worldwide listen to the distinct Brit tunes, they could also watch their enigmatic singers on TV. This was when bands like The Police, Depeche Mode and Duran Duran captivated fans beyond UK shores.

Now the next wave of Brit tunes to assault our ears is Alternative, also the one I can best relate to. Spearheaded by the oh-so-hot Liam Gallagher of Oasis , British music became the “alternative” to the scene in the States. Oh, give me a rock rebel anytime! The indie scene also gained popularity with easy-listening tunes from The Cure , which just seems to stick in my head after a listen. Of course one of my fave bands at the moment is Coldplay , who is leading the British charge. Oh, you know what? I recently came up close and personal with Chris Martin’s baby blues when the band was in town for a concert and I must say, that Gwyneth is one lucky lady!

Hmm… pardon me, I know I am rattling… but I can’t stop talking about (and listening to) British music. I will check out live concerts I can catch while I am there, especially in Hyde Park! Live concerts’ all the rage in London and I know I am guaranteed pumping music of my beloved bands. If you’re into The Darkness, Muse, Gorrilaz, Radiohead, the Libertines or even Belle and Sebastian and Joss Stone, do email me and we can rave about our fave artistes!

OK, ok, enough about British music for now.

But Paris melts me as much. Besides enjoying a cuppa along a Parisian sidewalk café, my greatest love is to catch a French film. I love its cerebral context, rich colours and breathtaking cinematography. The antithesis of action-packed Hollywood films, French films have captivated audiences worldwide for the longest time, moi included. To me, French movies embody the indie spirit of moviemaking at its best, with its arthouse movies usually screened in artsy theatres. I reckon they’re best enjoyed with a bottle of red and of course, some delish French cheese – oh, for that slice of heaven on earth! One French film I love is Amélie, that runaway box-office hit back in 2001. It also stars one of my style icons, the gamine and ethereal Audrey Tautou. She personifies the famous French style, if you ask me. France is also home to the acclaimed Festival de Cannes, which celebrates the art of the cinema. When that’s going on, it’s the perfect time to hop into town to celebrity-watch!

Enough talking… do excuse me while I go make a list of the movies and records I want to watch and buy.


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